Trukitrek Jukebox 1 Têtes de Mules 2

Puppet Special

Puppet striptease, puppet dance, puppet theatre or even puppet massacre?

We present a veritable puppet special: a total of 7 acts with puppets of any kind, outdoor and indoor, on stages, in a wagon-stage or even in a candle on Münsterplatz.

DÍRTZtheatre – Physical Puppet Theatre (FR)

<Le troi­siè­me Pas>

Dance and puppet theater surprisingly combined – solo, duo and trio at the same time. A jealous puppet, a complex relationship and the questions: Who is in control, and who is dependent on whom? Multilayered, humorous and impressive!

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Dirtztheatre 1

Teatro Matita – Crazy Puppets & Live Music (SLO)

<Litt­le Night Tales>

Jack-of-all-trades Matija is an exceptional master of puppetry: interactive, funny and accompanied by live music, he tells the story of a writer without ideas with his various puppets, which are driven by animation mechanisms, among other things. Brilliant!

for adults, basic English

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Teatro Matita 1

Têtes de Mules – Mini Splatter Puppet Show (FR)

<Para­si­te Circus>

Finally Serge and Zola stop in Bern with their burlesque puppet theatre and present a circus show of the bloody kind: The best of the worst will be on display – blood splatters to the back rows. En piste les artistes, death awaits you!

not suitable for the faint hearted!
from 8 years on

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Têtes de Mules 1

Trukitrek – CLIC – Sci-Fi Puppet Show (ESP)


Puppetry, acting and projection combined in the most refined way! A retro-futuristic dystopia of a not too distant future, where the smartphone dominates society. Will we one day be able to store our souls on our hard drives? Up-to-date and brilliant!

from 12 years on, basic English, with festival bracelet only, no wheelchair access

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Trukitrek CLIC 1

Trukitrek – Jukebox – Musical Puppet Cabaret (ESP)


Remember? Jukebox has been here before – at the very first Buskers Bern! Now they are back with their refreshing, highly amusing cabaret show: Living puppets present the greatest hits of all time. Still as ravishing as 20 years ago!

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Trukitrek Jukebox 1

Zélie Barrett – Puppet Strip (FR)

>Madame Rita>

Curtain up for Zélie Barrett and her scuffed suitcase. Boudoir or stage? No matter! Out of the suitcase emerges the luscious Madame Rita,
who enchants you with erotic striptease. Two ladies you should not miss!

On Müns­ter­platz, continuously repeated show, duration 5 min.

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Zelie Barrett 2

Zero en Conducta – Poetic Puppet Theatre (ESP / MEX)

<La derniè­re Danse de Brigitte>

Tied to a wheelchair, Brigitte travels in her mind to times long past: She meets her former, great love and herself as a young girl. An incredibly expressive, fascinating performance with dance, theatre and puppetry. World class!

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Zero en Conducta 1