1. May 2023

Register as a volunteer

Register now and support us at the festival. We are looking forward to it.

Support Buskers Bern as a volunteer

Summer is approaching. The booking is done and we are looking forward to present you the program soon. Sign up as a volunteer and support the festival from August 10 to 12 in various areas such as bracelet sales, kitchen, venue support, Buskershouse, artist support and much more. We are looking forward to meeting you.

You are also welcome to pre-order the bracelets starting today. It will be sent directly to your home in July including the program booklet, where the detailed playing times of the groups are listed. With the purchase of a festival bracelet you contribute to the continuity of the festival. Merciviumau!

300 Volunteers
1000 Tasks

In order to be able to run the festival, Buskers Bern needs around 300 hands-on people. We are very much looking forward to seeing you! The form is in German, get in contact if you need any help or if you have questions. staff@buskersbern.ch

Register now

Buskers Bern News